My name is Sara LoTemplio. I am currently an Assistant Professor in Colorado State’s Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Department. I’m particularly interested in the restorative effects of natural environments on attention and mood. I use a variety of behavioral measures as well as psychophysiological measures such as EKG (heartrate) and EEG (brainwaves) in my research. Stay tuned for upcoming information about my newly forming RAAIN lab (Restoring Attention & Affect in Nature lab). 

I received my M.S. in 2019 and my PhD in 2022, both in cognition and neural sciences at the University of Utah. For my work in graduate school, I was awarded the competitive National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Before my PhD, I also conducted research in environmental science. I worked on projects ranging from the hydological benefits of Ethiopian church forests to Maine lobsterfishermen’s local ecological knowledge of climate-related invasive fish species. I have extensive experience as an outdoor educator and in community science engagement & communication.